Mornings at home alone with my Father are the best times of my days. The sounds of the house and it's system is the only sound I want to hear. I open my door to the back of my house and the birds sing wonderful melodies to me and I sit quietly, focused on the Words of my Master, listening to any pieces of wisdom or counsel, or even reproof that He has for me. I don't want to miss anything that He has to say, so I linger over each thought and ask Him to reveal to me how I must apply them to my life.
Some listen to music or messages from prophets or pastors. But, during my quiet mornings I prefer to hear what my Lord has to say, rather than the thoughts of others. His counsel is all I need. He knows my deepest needs at the times that I need them. I can trust that His words are true and righteous, written on my heart especially for me. He has no hidden agenda, no other vision but to create in me a pure heart that glorifies Him and makes me more like His Son, the Christ, so that I will be ready and duly dressed to be a resident in His kingdom.
Oh, how I love this masterful Creator of my being! He is my breath, my hope, my peace, my joy, my comforter, my salvation. He is my everything, and I will give Him praise every day I have breath.
(These words come to me and are written only because The Lord God put them in me. I have no other claim to them.)