Friday, November 29, 2019

Small Group Comes Through Again

Ron and I are celebrating our Thanksgiving today at our home with our small group. 

Have I mentioned that I love my small group? For the past couple of years, the leader of our group and his wife have invited us to be with them and their family. This year they were invited out, and knowing that Ron and I have no family to spend our holiday with, they asked if we could all get together on the day after to celebrate it together. Pretty sweet, huh? So I said, come to our house, we'll supply the turkey, and y'all can bring the rest. 

Some people won't get involved in small groups, and I don't understand that. It's the closest thing to family we have here. Of course, they are family because we are all the eternal family of God. It's a pretty good idea to get close to those you're going to spend eternity with. 

So the roast is in the oven, and the turkey is resting on the counter, ready to go to the oven. I'm pure thankful for whatever, whatever, God gives me or decides what I should go through. He is all-knowing and knows each of us through and through. 

I'm thankful He saved me. I'm thankful for Ron and my family. I'm thankful for my friends, and thankful for my small group.


Seems the controversy just goes on and on. Chic-fil-a is slammed by many for pulling support to Salvation Army and Christian Athletes. 

Thankfully they seem to be leaving the Christian Athletes alone. However, the Salvation Army is slammed for having a special page devoted to gays and lesbians on their web site.Just goes to show you that there are many people out there that really don't understand not only what the Salvation Army stands for, but for what every Christian should stand for, and that's reaching out to the lost and to the needy. 

Our faith doesn't teach us to discriminate when it comes to need or someone searching for God's Truth. Christ taught us with His own life that no one was beyond His love, and we are to do likewise, with love and true friendship.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Bad Attitudes



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Monday, October 28, 2019

Honoring God

Aukland says, If you are busy, embrace it! Use your busyness to honor God! 

I agree.

And I say, if you're not busy, find a way to get busy and honor God. 

If I didn't have dr appts I wouldn't be busy, and I like that. But being sedentary causes us to look for entertainment or self-satisfying activities. I need to find things to do to honor God, so I volunteer my time when I can, and I make my craft and donate in different ways. 

It's little stuff. But it's our hearts giving to honor Him that matters. We have neighbors we can pray for and help. God doesn't need riches or great gifts. all He wants is our obedience and hearts.

I Can't Win!

I always thought that it's great that I can watch and hear the tv while I'm fixing dinner, that is until the Hallmark channel started showing their Christmas May. So now I have to suffer through having to listen to them because Ron loves the Christmas movies. He even watches the ones on Lifetime, sometimes flipping back and forth between them. Then today, he's flipping back and forth between Lifetime, Hallmark, and the football game. 

i decided, fine, I'm going to my room where i can watch the game. Now, for some odd reason my tv was tuned to Hallmark when I turned it on, and because i had seen some of it in the living room I found myself lost in the plot. Before I knew it I had been watching this silly movie for 15 minutes! OY! It's a trap! What's worse, Wisconsin is losing to osu. Now I have to find another game!

Monday, June 3, 2019

A Strong Woman

Back in the '70s  when Ron took me home to meet the fam, they met a strong-minded woman who believed women could and should take over the world. I was not exactly what momma and daddy had in mind for their sweet little boy, and it was apparent I was not going to fit in well with them. Nor did I want to. I believe his family and friends gave us two chances for a lasting marriage.....slim and none. Yet, of the 4 sons, Ron's and my marriage is the only one that lasted over the years. 

God, and only God the Father made that happen. He changed my heart about how He wanted me to be as a woman. The strong, in charge woman was out, and I fought it tooth and nail, don't think I didn't. 

Did you know that in the bible God gives the man instructions that he should love his wife, just as Christ loved the church? But the wife is only instructed to respect her husband. How does a woman respect her man if she is giving the orders? It's just not possible. 

It's still not easy for me, but Ron definitely has the last word here. I submit to him. And the only way for me to please the Father is to respect my man.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

It's Just a Game!

Since moving to Georgia I have become a bit of a Falcons fan, though the Kansas City Chiefs will always be number one in this midwesterner's heart. I've enjoyed the quality of offensive talent for Atlanta, and trying to take my love for football to the local area, I regularly watch them play.

At our church, we have two friends that work for the Falcons franchise, and I've been careful this year since they were knocked out of the playoffs not to say anything about the end to their season. That is, until today. I am afraid that I owe my dear friend, K___ an apology for a lapse in my mental process. K___ came up to give me one of the huge hugs that he gives from his 12' (almost) frame, and as he walked away, without thinking, I said innocently, Go Chiefs! 

I think his chin scraped the floor as he sauntered away. And, just like the Falcons, I had no defense.
                                                   Image result for kc chiefs