Monday, June 3, 2024

Women of the Late 20th Century

 just thinking about how labels have changed in my lifetime. when I was a girl I was Miss Shirley Johnson, my mother was Mrs. Merril Johnson and my dad was Mr. Merril Johnson. then I became MS Shirley Johnson, my mom became Mrs. Lucile Johnson and my dad Mr. Merril Johnson. now I am (if I hadn't changed my name) Shirley Johnson, my mom is Lucile Johnson, and my dad Merril. nobody gets a title. i forgot to mention the Master for young boys.

anyway, what's the point? I am not sure, but seems to me that the one that changed most is the women. they're just never satisfied in this generation. now that they've stripped themselves of all identification, where do they go from here? they've also gone from wearing dresses, universally, to almost all in pants. is the point to be more like men? or is it to display their charms more dramatically?

they also have publicly stripped themselves of clothing, not to mention wearing what they do wear tighter, whereas I've not seen that dramatic change in the males. what it seems to come down to, in my generation, is that women just can't seem to get enough exposure and change.

demanding little snits trying to steal the show. whatever. just thinking.

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